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4 Forces of Aircraft

Updated: Jul 1, 2020

4 Forces :


When a ball is thrown in an upward direction the weight of the ball and gravitational force makes the ball fall back to the ground.

               In the same way, aircraft has a certain weight and gravitational force makes the aircraft to fall down.

                 To prevent this fall, Aircraft required some opposite force which should be higher than the weight to make the aircraft fly. The force that prevents aircraft from falling is called...



 This force helps the aircraft to fly and prevent it from falling to the ground. This force is generated by the wings of the aircraft. To generate lift aircraft wings are designed in the shape of "Airfoils".

                If we want to lift any object in our daily life we increase the pressure from the below of the object so that the object can be lifted.

When an aircraft is moving forward with a certain speed the air which flows in the opposite direction to the aircraft produces more pressure at the bottom of the airfoil than the upper side. Then the high pressure generated in the bottom will push the airfoil in an upward direction due to this wings lift up along with the wings aircraft lifts up. This is the reason why aircraft run faster on the ground before it starts flying.

( Airfoil )

To make the aircraft to move forward and run fast aircraft need some force called...


                Thrust makes the aircraft to move forward. Thrust is generated by the engines. 

                     Depending upon the size and weight of the aircraft different types and numbers of engines are selected. Mostly smaller aircraft have twin engines (two engines) and Larger aircraft like A-380, B-747, Concorde have 4 engines. Aircraft like Antonov An-225, Douglas D-906 have 6 engines. 

              When we are driving a bike with a certain speed we can feel that air pushing us backward. This same thing happens with the aircraft also. When aircraft is moving forward with such a huge speed it should deal with some opposite force which is called as



If an aircraft needs to move forward thrust should be higher than drag. Pilots increase and decrease the Thrust in the engines depending on the drag force they are dealing with. 

Forces Conditions and its effects.

i) Lift > Weight         -     Plane Rises

ii) Weight > Lift        -     Plane Falls

iii) Drag > Thrust     -     Plane slows

iv) Thrust > Drag     -     Plane Accelerate.

Balancing these 4 forces and conditions pilots controls the aircraft accordingly.

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