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How to make ourselves a professional in Aviation?

Writer's picture: learnfromhimalearnfromhima

Updated: Aug 7, 2020

As we discussed in the previous blog the certain personal qualities which are required for a candidate to survive in the aviation industry is as follows :

  • Communication

  • Personality and Looks

  • Patience

Now, as I said before I will provide you some tips and suggestions which you can easily practice at your home to gain the qualities required.

1) How to develop communication skills?

Good communication skills have two things

i) Speaking skills and ii) Listening skills

Reading Books:

Read something every single day it may be stories, books, news, or even your study materials anything. if you don't like reading try to develop your interest in reading by reading the storybooks of the movies which you liked. Example: If you are a Harry Potter fan read Harry Potter books this increases your interest when you are already a fan of the story which you are going to read. Whatever you read, do it a bit loud don't read it in your mind. Also, keep a dictionary and learn the meanings when you find any new words. By this, your tongue will get accustomed to the words and that helps you to become fluent. Start with 5 pages on the first day and increase one more page on every single day.

Movies and Songs:

Do watch more movies. Don't just watch, choose a main character in the film and try to repeat every single dialogue of that character right after him/her in the same way they said. Use subtitles if you want. This may sound crazy but trust me it helps you a lot. Here you learn how to pronounce the words by speaking along with the character and also you develop your listening skills by hearing to the voice of your character. The best part is you won't even get bored because " you are watching a movie man. How can you get bored? " and the same thing with songs listen to the songs and sing it. lyrics (optional). This is my favorite speaking exercise to do ; )

Self Testing:

We need some property help for this. Take a mirror and stand in front of it. focus on your reflection. Now, choose a general and simple topic (For Ex: Describe your own room, village, Favorite actor, etc ) and start speaking about it. While speaking you can observe your own mistakes. Like, the way you are talking, expressions, body language, your posture. Recognize the mistakes and keep practicing to rectify it until you become perfect and confident.

2) How to improve our Personality and looks?

Physical Exercise:

Do little physical exercise every day. Don't spend thousands of rupees on Gyms and stuff. Simple things like Jogging, Warmups, Basic Home Workouts are enough to keep your body fit and flexible.

Dressing Style:

The first thing someone observes when they saw you for the first time is your attire. Not every model of dress will suit everyone, Choose your attire that fits you perfectly. Do some minor research and also take the help of someone you know who has a good dressing sense. Ask them to help you to choose your style. Maintain yourself clean and hygiene.

Skin and Hair Care:

Take very good care of your skin and hair. Don't go for chemical products, prefer natural products and home remedies. Trim and maintain your facial hair regularly and properly. Wash your face frequently with water even though you are at your work to keep yourself fresh and clean. The first impression is always the best one and your looks play a very important role to create the best first impression.

3) Patience:

Having patience is nothing but having control over our own emotions and feelings. The best process to achieve this is "Meditation".

> Choose a quiet place,

> Sit straight without bending your backbone,

> Make yourself comfortable,

> Close your eyes,

> Keep your mind clear,

> Focus on your breathing,

> Make yourself peaceful.

15-20mins of proper meditation in a day is more than enough to achieve this control. Not only for your professional life even for your personal life meditation brings you a lot of good change.

(Need to clear any doubts? The comment section always welcomes you)


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